Sensitized early to combat techniques by practicing different martial arts, Serge Bridoux discovered Krav Maga in the 90s. He quickly developed a passion for this discipline. He will then follow many courses taught by internationally renowned instructors.
He began teaching Krav Maga and then became an IKMF instuctor in 1999.
With a psychotherapist training, Serge Bridoux is a passionate and perfectionist individual who has a special interest in various disciplines such as nutrition, diet, physiology, personal coaching, teaching and philosophy. He also has interest in other sports like athletics and horse riding.
His expertise in the field of Krav Maga is the result of many personal training combined with extensive research. His disciplined life, sense of pedagogy, as well as his knowledge of the human being make him a full instructor. He is certified by Eyal Yanilov (founder of KMG) and he is now chief instructor for Belgium and the Grand-Duché of Luxembourg.